Internal Air Quality Systems
CORONAVIRUS air filtration
Our units use UV filtration to kill viruses and bacteria, purifying the air in your home, office or restaurant
Marodour UNITs
The Marodour is a powerful and compact tool to control the escape of odours from a process or to purify the air coming into a working environment
small Algae photosynthesis
These systems remove carbon dioxide and odours from your workplace environment and emit Oxygen, raising levels of wellbeing, alertness and productivity
These neat and discrete devices measure CO2 concentration levels in real time and integrate with your existing HVAC system to avoid the 3pm slump!
External Air Quality Systems
coldox systems
These world class emissions abatement systems are designed to provide high performance whilst reducing costs
Our systems are designed to reduce Odour, VOC’s, Particulates, Oils & Vapours
The DEO can treat any highly concentrated gasses from sources like liquid waste storage tanks, effluent treatment areas and other process areas. Our DEO Systems are designed for applications with high concentrations of sulphur compounds with flow rates up to 500m3/hr providing an odour reduction rate of over 98%. They are a great little system and take little time, effort and infrastructure to set up.